Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Hip Hip Hooray!
Posted by Patty L. at 7:26 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes!
Its 1:33 am and I have just finished e-filing my federal taxes. Yay for tax returns, and SUPER YAY! for more money coming in in late Spring (or early summer)!!!!!!!!!! I think im gonna go sleep and dream about all the great SU and Ebay stuff I can buy with this new "found" money! :D Sweet Dreams Everyone.
Posted by Patty L. at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
Some recent projects...
Supplies Used: DP from Chatterbox, Ribbon from Walmart, Ink & Markers from Whispers, Card Base from Paperzone, Greeting printed in Shoshoni font on plain paper

I thought all these cards turned out great! I especially like the Greetings from Washington card and the Loads of Love card which I used sponging for the truck background.
Posted by Patty L. at 7:33 PM 2 comments
A Shout Out!...
Special shout out to my papercrafting friend, Heidi! She does WONDERFUL work with her cards, especially all that embossing! Visit Heidi's site for some great inspiration! Thank you Heidi for adding me to your stalker list!!!
Posted by Patty L. at 5:32 PM 1 comments
If you want reliability...
Be sure and get the insurance. If you could see me right now, I got smoke coming out of my ears. I finally threw in the towel and bought a complete set of SU Inks on Ebay, and today was suppose to be the big day! Well no. The USPS LOST MY PACKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!! I about had a heart attack when the mail lady told me it was "lost", and in her exact words, "Its a good thing you got the insurance." (That tells you how much faith they have in their own work.) The PO lady proceeded to tell me that they have not been able to find "several packages lately." Yeesh. It seems like the postal customer service has declined a bit. I understand if this was a large city with multiple POs or millions of house holds to deliver too, but this is winky-dink Moses Lake, we have practically a ONE ROOM POST OFFICE! How is it possible to lose a package between my house and 7.5 minutes down the road to the PO.!!!!! Okay, enough venting........
Posted by Patty L. at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Forget the fun, all I want is to sleep!
Ohhh, how I long to have a few peaceful hours of nothing to do. I wish I can be a stay-at-home- doggie- mama. I dont want to work. I dont want to drive. All I want to do is sleep. Sleep. Sleeep. Sleeeeeeeeeeep.
That's all I ask for, sleep.
Posted by Patty L. at 5:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
More Purpleness..
Posted by Patty L. at 2:08 PM 1 comments
Purple Man Eater...
I have exactly {insert your own outrageous number}
Posted by Patty L. at 1:55 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Let me eat... CAKE!

If I could have a job making Wedding Invites and baking Cupcakes all day long, I would be in heaven! Any holiday, even President's day, is worth celebrating if you can have a cupcake! I made these cupcakes for work (I gotta bride people now and then... hehehe), and of course saved some for me. The secret to great cupcakes in a flash is... Betty Crocker Cake Mix! You can do just about anything with a vanilla mix. In honor of tomarrow's special day, and me slaving away in the restaurant kitchen, I baked Red Velvet Cupcakes. If you're in a pinch, here is my secret recipe.
- 1 box Vanilla Cake Mix
- and Cake mix package directions (usually 3 eggs, 1 1/4 c water, 1/3 c oil)
- Tub-o-frosting ( I like the Whipped Butter Cream from BC)
Thats it! Instant success! Hope everyone has a fantastical valentine's day!
Posted by Patty L. at 7:34 PM 2 comments
Life's A Highway....
Posted by Patty L. at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Wedding Sneak Peak

Posted by Patty L. at 6:01 PM 4 comments
Labels: Invitations, Wedding
Swap Cards
Posted by Patty L. at 1:52 PM 3 comments
Wow, a papercrafting blog!
Im starting a papercrafting blog to coincide with the purchase of my new camera! I've enjoyed browsing thru everybodies blogs for inspiration, so I thought I would give it a try.
Posted by Patty L. at 1:37 PM 1 comments